Saturday, January 5, 2008

Strum for me

I hear the sound of his voice and the sotto voce strum of his guitar followed by the unexpected clearness of my words: "I think I'm in love."

"What dear?"

Funny how Venus takes control of your tongue when she tastes the champagne on your lips ...

New Year's day, it is. Veuve Clicquot has made its acquaintance and kisses me gently as I laugh with women who have loved, and loved, and lost too much from it ... Yet, we laugh. We laugh. We laugh. And it feels okay.

He plays. God, he plays. The music is enchanting. He Sings a sweet song in Portuguese that captures my complete attention - attention he does not prepare for, or expect.
I watch him.

I want to be his guitar, the glistening caramel single malt in his snifter, on his lips, his breath as he sings, the microphone, the sunset warming his back. I want to be. I want to be. Closer. On him. Inside.

The sun drops slowly as a ball of gooey amber honey behind him as he sings - a lonely soul forced to play for the pigs in their finest fines in this eloquent lounge.

Deixa cantar de novo o trovador
A merencória luz da lua
Toda a canção do meu amor
Quero ver a “sá dona” caminhando ...

I have no sense of what your words mean, but they are beautiful. My body wants them so badly it absorbes the vibrations in the air and goosebumps flutter to my surface.

Nothing else matters. Just you, your words ... this.

Casually as it had started, his song ends. I watch him as he takes a moment to inhale the end of his chord. He's the only one in his world, and I know he doesn't care to be here. He carelessly flips a page on his stand and starts moving on to the next song. I can't let him. Stay here. Stay here in this moment with me.

I need to stop him.

So I clap. I clap softly at first then loud and constant. Clapping, only me. This is my solo.

His head tilts up as if he just then noticed he had an audience. I look him in the eye. My smile is enough, "you're excellent," I say with my eyes.

His eyes eventually find mine - a princess atop her castle with two diamond draped queens sitting softly abound. Her protectors.

We're worlds apart yet one and the same. Energies collide.

Everyone around us starts clapping.

It is New Years day. And for the first time, he's glad to be exactly where he is.

"Thank you."

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