Sunday, January 13, 2008

Will you keep watch for me?

I should have known how crafty you were when first introduced ...

"Rose, this is Life. Life enjoys warm weather, sea salt-kissed powder-soft grains of sand sticking to her toes while she sips on a well mixed Mojito. She also finds pleasure in the depth of the "F#" on a grand piano. Life will be living in your head for the duration of this experiment."

"Hi, Life."


"Life, this is Rose. Rose enjoys strong, black coffee as thick and curious as ebony blocks, and bold colors - her most recent favorite is blue-blue."


"Yes. Blue-blue, like the dress she's wearing. See?"

"Ah, yes. Pretty."

"Sometimes Rose finds great enjoyment in wallowing in the self-pity of others. Rose has no idea the capacity of her emotional flexibility."

It was then that Life smirked. I should have backed out of the experiment. But here I am as Life tests my flexibility like a sadistic Yoga instructor.

And for dessert ... Hanumanasana Seated splits

Last night it didn't work very well -- I gave in to sweet, sweet Patron and danced with him into the tune of lime, lime, lime.

"In F#?"

"I don't know. Look for the grains of salt in between the keys."

Sometimes I feel Life kissing the inside walls of my skull. Her nose tickles.

I know she'll keep bending me --

Bending me to the experiment of almost breaking.

That's why I guess I hurt so much right now ... I'm being bent to full capacity, like the band of a sling-shot, or in this case, a catapult.

The question is ... when will Life let go?

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